
Being with Birth book club is for woman. For woman who value pregnancy and birth, body literacy. Calling all birthkeepers, doulas, midwives, and woman who are devoted to knowledge sharing and reclamation.

What? + Why?

This book club is about knowledge reclamation. Getting our wisdom back into our minds, eyes, hands, bodies, wombs and communities. All these things lost as colonization, capitalism came and Midwifery became institutionalized. The eraser of the wise woman’s knowledge and Midwifery teachings being lost, hidden in institutions, lost texts and behind big pay walls. Not to mention books being hard to find or upwards of hundreds of $ making our wisdom that is ours not easily accessible.

With a emphasis on more unique, new, old, rare books, pieces of history, texts & more. Newly published works, Midwifery Memoir, birth stories of all kinds. I will seek out many unique bodies of work and diversity within this space. We will come together to read and digest a variety of texts from independently published Midwives, Birthworkers and Women. Story medicine and knowledge restoration is this space’s biggest why and driver.


Online only at this stage

Putting feelers out for those who would be keen for me to host at a Library in the Northern Rivers too, message me

What is required of you?

Commitment to the days of Book Club, commitment to knowledge reclamation and yourself

Self responsibility and self accountability

Purchase required texts

Read at your own pace, but with the intention to keep within the time frame

Taking notes & bring stand out pieces of the texts you’d love to further discuss and or how it’s related to your personal process.

Books & Time Frames

The rest of 2024 we will be reading and journeying with:

Restorative Midwifery: A Birthworker’s Guide to Becoming: Vol 1: Every Bead of Our Necklace By Nicole Morales and Jamie Mossay (Purchase your own copy)

& Some Excerpts of Midwives and Medical Men by Jean Donnison (Provided to the Group by Dani)

We will gather once monthly

September 27th next gathering online.

Join the whatsapp group by messaging Dani

Books to come…

Listen to me good: The Story of an Alabama Midwife by Margaret Charles Smith and Linda Janet Holmes

Heart and Hands: Midwives Guide to Pregnancy and Birth by Elizabeth Davis

& more to be announced early 2025.