Self-led Conscious Conception check in: for sovereign preconception

A practice; journal, pondering, do a painting/art therapy…

An amazing self enquiry question to ask yourself is -> If I was to conceive today would I feel content, resourced, prepared and ready to nourish this new life? 
Usually the first thing to come up is the thing in the way, is there one for you?
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Would I need to address any health concerns?
How are my bloods, fungal load, heavy metals?
How are my finances?
How is my career, is it nourishing me, can it withstand me becoming a mother?
How is my love, is he/she prepared, open, willing, are we connected at the moment?
How is my diet and environment? Is it organic, free of toxins, or do I have some things I’d like to shift?
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Where am I at in my conception journey?
Where am I living out of alignment with my desire for conscious conception? Be radically honest with yourself, it'll support in building self trust.
What are my next action steps? 
Slowly, slowly, small steps are perfect. I wouldn’t give yourself more than 3, this practice isn’t to overwhelm you, we want to feel empowered not lacking. 
Examples for next action steps:
  1. Get a blood test
  2. Go to the river with my love for a date with the intention of presence
  3. Go on a hike this week
This journey is meant to be fun, romantic, empowering and beautiful, and will be vastly different for each couple, and individual woman. 
Let me know if you do this practice, send me photos of your art and writing, what did it bring up for you? 
If you yearn to dive deeper and be held on this journey I invite you to book a 1:1 call with me.
With love and fertile juiciness
Dani xx
