Questions to ask yourself before Freebirthing…

Freebirthing: To birth unassisted usually at home or in nature, without any medical or trained professionals in attendance. So really just Birth.

  • Can I take full responsibility for my experience, no matter the outcome?

  • Why do I want to freebirth? What are my motivations, reasons and preferences to choosing freebirth?

  • Am I doing this from a place of ego?

  • Am I able to face and sit with the mystery of birth?

  • Am I okay with death, grief and the possibility of that outcome?

  • Do I have genuine support systems in place that trust me and back my decisions?

  • Do I trust myself? How have I cultivated self trust overtime?

  • Do I trust birth?

  • Have I fertilised the skill of self trust, and the ability to listen to my body?

  • Have I nurtured and strengthen my intuition over the years to hold this experience?

  • Do I have the resources to hold, face and surrender into this experience?

  • Are there certain outcomes I want to educate myself on, and create plans for if they were to arise?

  • What does listening to my body feel, taste, sound and look like?

  • What is my baby communicating to me about how they want to be born? Have they sent me a friend, doula, or midwife into my reality? What messages are my baby sending me?

  • Is there a freebirth community local to me?

  • Have I practiced freebleeding? How did that feel? Do you feel a correlation to how you bled to how you desire to birth?

  • What was my birth imprint?

If any of these questions really trigger or ignite something in you I invite you to sit on it a little longer. For further reading I recommend Sacred Birthing by Sunni Karll.


