Cyclical nature for maidens and mothers

As woman we have the privilege and the courageous task of ascending and descending through our rites of passage.

Depending on the season of life we are in we gestate through each season, as we are nature.

Whether you bleed and descend monthly, or are riding the waves of pregnancy we have physiological blueprints as a baseline to support us through the thresholds. Understanding archetypal nature can aid us in softening into the seasons we are in.

The Maidens Cycle

Bleed - Winter - The Underworld - The Crone

Pre Ovulation - Spring - The baby lamb - The Maiden

Ovulation - Summer - The ravishing goddess - The Mother

Pre menstrual - Autumn - The Wild Woman - The Enchantress

The Pregnant Woman’s Cycle

Conception - Spring

Mid Pregnancy -Summer

Late Pregnancy - Late Summer

Birth - Autumn - crossing the veil

Postpartum - Winter

Through an Ayurvedic Lense:

1st Trimester - Vata (Ether + Air)

2nd Trimester - Pitta (Fire + Water)

3rd Trimester - Kapha (Water + Earth)

Birth - Apana Vayu (downward energy)

Postpartum - Vata state

When we understand nature, we understand ourselves and our sisters. When we know where we are at, we have the capacity to meet ourselves and our community with greater reverence. To meet the needs of the times.

When we witness a sister in her winter, we know to support her with warmth, grounding, warm moist foods, and warming body practices.

When we witness a sister in her summer, we know to continue to support the chi, blood and fluids swirling within her, to take her out into the world so they may be blessed with her radiance.


