Personal entry - Where am i at in my preconception journey? conscious conception diaries

It’s been almost 6 months since my last share around where I’m at in my preconception journey.

It’s honestly been quite beautiful to reflect back and read the last blog (011) because wow! Lots can shift in 6 months. I am working for myself doing mothercare & nannying. A lot more of my needs have been met. I’ve rested deeply, healing my adrenals, after an Adrenal Fatigue diagnosis in January.

Where am I at?

It’s June 1st 2024, I’m living in the same sweet studio in the mountains solo. I am 21, still single. I am really loving where I am at. There is so much contentment in my heart. Feeling so solid within myself and my sisterhood presently. I am also nurturing my yearning and longing, after what’s felt like quite a few months of suppression or just not working towards a baby, a disconnect in my hearts desire. I really let go of * the dream * and I am sure I’ll continue to cycle through seasons of yearning, longing and not so much, that feels really normal.

I am in a season of deep devotion to Mothers, and children which is filling my cup greatly. The medicine of Tea Ceremony has found it’s way back to me strongly, sitting tea often, sitting in the stillness, sipping. Reconnecting with my inner writer too, writing for fun to my future babies again.

I started a book club, to nurture my obsession with old, new, unique birth books and also knowledge restoring.

What’s next for me in my preconception journey?

✭ Going to start seeing a Naturopath for my gut & eczema.

✭ Going on dates again… terrifying and exciting.

✭ Saving $ for the bodywork, acupuncture, specialised testing that I want to do like for my minerals and heavy metals levels.

✭ Having fun, dancing, more play, more bush bashing and hikes

✭ Slurping oysters

✭ Staying warm and cozy this winter

✭ Sitting many more tea ceremonies

✭ Taking rest during my bleed extra seriously, day 1 in bed freebleeding, broths with ginger in the thermos bedside.

✭ Eat more ferments

✭ No.1 fertility supporter - stress reduction.

✭ Nurturing my -> happy, hungry and horny (My 3 H’s of health)

✭ Continue what I’ve already been doing the past few years; living low tox, natural, eating organic and animal based. Getting my body into biodiverse environments, hands in the soil, feet on the earth. I have a huge window in my studio and don’t use curtains which helps heaps with my circadian rhythm, resting with the moon and rising with the sun.

Ahhhh wow that was fun. Thank you for caring and reading. I share because I love listening to other people’s preconception journeys, and it feels beautiful to honour the yearning to be with child, amidst a world where antinatalism is almost the dominate cultural norm.


