Preconception care as a way of life

Preconception care is truly just living mindfully, consciously, facing the reality you’re living in. I find when I’m faced with big thought of - making love, conceiving, gestating and birthing a whole new life it really shows me where i am and i am not living in alignment with my preferences and values. It really makes me reflect, as I’m so rooted in the knowledge I’ve collected about fertility, conception, birth, postpartum and motherhood, throughout my maidenhood and continue to do so. I wholeheartedly believe woman deserve to enter the unfolding of pregnancy well resourced, in their bodies, their relationships, community and life as a whole. Women, men and children everywhere deserve that. We are also being called to create that.

Preconception care is simple. It’s just living your life really.

Preconception care is the elimination and excavation of all the blockages withholding me from being fully present in my body and breath. It’s asking myself how the fuck can I return to my true nature?

Preconception care is excavating my psyche for all the ways I lean out, in love, with money, with mothering myself, with my responsibilities in community and my relationship with resource. So I can lean in and receive & cocreate what I yearn for in this life.

Preconception care is a reclamation of choosing to thrive because our children deserve parents who are madly in love, a solid team, impeccable communicators, swimming in eros and honored by the opportunity to be stewards and parents to their spirit babies.

Preconception care is a reclamation of choosing to thrive because our children deserve mothers who are mineral rich, with enough blood, iron, and chi to feel great and whole as they grow and birth life.

Preconception care is ushering ourselves consciously out of survival mode to thriving before we conceive because we want to show up as parents with regulated nourished nervous systems.


Sex is an incredible foundation for birth and pregnancy prep. Sex is such an efficient gateway into your body, to trance states, pleasure states, dancing with oxytocin, connection, bonding, orgasms, sensitivity, and vulnerability. It’s all interwoven; sex, conception, birth, death. Sex is an amazing part of conscious conception

What gets bub in, gets bub out.


Your yearning is sacred.

How can I be my greatest lover?

How can I be my greatest mother?

To myself first.


Preconception care is self worth work

Preconception care is becoming resourced

Preconception care is community care

Preconception care is financial healing

Preconception care is cultivating a harmonious rooted love

Preconception care is erotic in nature

Preconception care is dancing with eros

Preconception care is self awareness and facing your shit day after day

Preconception care is the opening and closing ceremony

Preconception care is centering mothers and learning from mothers

Practical resources:

Books ~

Awakening Fertility by Heng Ou

Conscious Conception: An Elemental Journey Through the Labyrinth of Sexuality by Jeannine Parvati Baker

Nourishing Those Who Nurture: More than a Preconception Guide to Conscious Conception by Caitlin Priday & Tahlia Mynott


