conscious conception check in practice pt 2

Self-led Conscious conception check in: for sovereign preconception

Todays offering is a writing or drawing practice; a list of questions to get you thinking, visioning, and dreaming of your life and approach to preconception care.

What have I learnt from mothers and children recently?

How do I access trance states? Do I feel comfortable in the unknown surrender of trance?

What is your relationship to surrender and receivership?

Where do you feel the most resourced in life at the moment? Where do you feel the least resourced?

Where am I most stressed in my life presently? What is a simple step I could take to reduce my current stress load?

How would you give to the world by becoming a parent?

What if you never became a parent/mother?


What are 3 things I deeply value and would love to have before conception? Write your values & how the manifest for example:

Safety & Security - Stable long term housing in a safe location close to community

Health & Vitality - Get on top of my iron levels and do a specific cleanse for my gut

Freedom & Flexibility - X amount of money saved, a career that is suitable for pregnancy & motherhood


If you take a step back and observe your life like it’s a landscape, because you are nature. How does inviting in a baby, a new soul change, impact or amplify the present ecosystem?

Draw or paint your life as a landscape!

What’s it’s colours, textures, is it crowed?, busy?, overwhelming?, peaceful?, blank?, fertile?, dry?, firey? cold?

my life as a landscape piece at the moment, lots of death and I’m in that big black void, the blood is coming, blue lilies still in rising, amidst the mud, and muck, beauty in the luteal descent.


