A personal entry on where i am at in my preconception journey

Ohhhhh where am I at? Why thank you for asking. This topic feels vulnerable for me to share on even though I love it Iand talk about conscious conception a lot. As of today January 18th 2024, I am not in a long term partnership and I don’t plan to conceive anytime soon. I am 21 years old and living alone. I practice fertility awareness method, I have a regular bleed and ovulation which I love cycling through. Right now I am working towards creating a career and nurturing my creative self. Creating a career that is sustainable through the phases of womanhood, something that I would feel comfortable doing while mothering, something I love, and something deeply rewarding. A career that nourishes me and those I serve greatly is really important to me. I guess if I was to break it down right now in my preconception journey my main focus is on…

~ a sustainable delicious career, creating foundations and learning a lot

~ financially resourcing myself and financial literacy

~ a big lifestyle overhaul —> quitting my hospo job, deprogramming myself and gently tending to my nervous system after 7 years in the industry, healing extreme burn out & that internalized capitalism

~ enjoying relating from a very detached neutral place which I think, as I type this presently I’ve fucking mastered! (I genuinely don’t feel like I NEED a man to save me or give me a baby - slay she’s evolving)

~ not doing things alone - big one for me!, leaning into getting help and talking things through with my loves, which sounds great on the screen you’re reading this on, but there’s been a lot of tears, pages in the journal, surrendering, seeing my therapist in the mix

~ leaning into sisterhood and making new friends


I’m noticing in myself how far I have come in regards to attachments and my relationship with the masculine. Presently I am not attached to a man, job, vision, or anything I can think of, which feels really freeing. Me 6 months ago wouldn’t believe where I am today in regards to attachment. I really love men and relating with beautiful conscious men, has been one of the greatest most healing gifts God/Nature has provided me with the past couple of years.

I feel like in love and in birthwork is where my 2 greatest teachers lie, my lovers and my dharma, a consistent call to evolve and learn more about myself and life.

In writing and sharing this with you all, I hope to invite in maidens, and single mothers and anyone who yearns to have a baby in the future (men included), you don’t have to wait for a man or partner or anyone for the green light to lean into preconception care. It really starts so early on, we could say as early as when you’re in the womb. Your awareness and self nourishment is the deep nutrients for your future babies. You can connect with your babies in spirit and not bring them through. You can care about your fertility without needing to conceive or have a partner. Fertility is health and it’s so vital in this day and age if we want to continue as a species. The inner work, the deprogramming, and reconditioning is the work that I feel is most valuable in preconception. Then from that place we can resource ourselves, invest in our bodies with nutrient dense food, utilize food as medicine and remineralise so we can conceive and gestate from a full state. Cultivating epic nurturing relationships with our community and partner is ideal as well.

I feel quite detached in the realm of preconception at the moment. If there is stress present for you or overwhelm in regards to preconception care like I have experienced in the past, believing you’re “broken” (infertile) or you need all these foods, tests, doctors, naturopaths, acupuncture appointments, money, oysters, etc, etc. to help and ‘fix’ you. How could you feel enough now? How can you meet yourself presently? What’s one small achievable step you could take? It can be as simple as a fried egg in butter, a long deep breath. Go on a walk in nature for free and expose your animal body to a diverse microbiome. Swim in salt and freshwater. Eat some foraged sorrel or herbs growing from the soil. Let go. I find there is a shadow control aspect to preconception care, a hyperfixation if you will. I’ve been there. It’s all welcome. Let’s just soften our attachments.

I wholeheartedly trust babies and woman, and I believe all conceptions are sacred and miraculous. Unconscious conception is just as sacred.

Thank you for reading my rambles and preconception life updates. If any of this resonated for you or sparked something in you please DM me on IG, I’d love to hear what was moved in you or if you have any questions, I love having these discussions.


