Questions to ponder for postpartum preparation…

★ How long do you wish to take for designated postpartum recovery and rest? Eg. 40 days

★ Do you have a list of people you can rely on for practical help, like meal preparation or household chores?

★ Would you like to weave ritual and ceremony into your postpartum? Do you have any cultural postpartum traditions? What does that look like for you?

★ What are my intentions and desires for my early postpartum period?

★ Who is on my postpartum team? Eg. Lactation consultant, postpartum doula, a cleamer, grandma, sister etc.

★ What’s my partners role in postpartum? Do they have their own support people they can call on?

★ Are there any boundaries I need to set with family and friends to protect my postpartum space?

★ How much money am I willing to invest and put aside for my postpartum care?

★ Would I like to receive bodywork in postpartum? Do I already know someone and a modality that resonates?

★ What’s one way you can feel resourced throughout early postpartum? Eg. Frozen meal prep, a 5 min self connection practice etc.

★ What’s my go to comfort meal, or food I’d love to be fed postpartum?


