The way I’m showing up with birthwork is changing…

An update on my journey and my current offerings…


Nature doesn’t try to make the river flow, it simply does or doesn’t.

The way I have been operating the past 3 years - to attend births, get clients etc. has been feeling really unnatural lately. I’ve been grappling with the identity of being a birthworker and a lot of detachment and dissolution to that previous identity, hence no blogs for 2 months. I’ve been in a big process about how I want to show up and what actually feels nourishing to offer and provide, getting really honest with my capacity to be of service too. I’d love to have more conversations about this with other doulas and birthworkers, if sustainability & flow in birthwork is something you’re keen to converse about please message or email me.

I’ll still be doing some birthwork but only in the ways that feel really nourishing and exciting for me. This change feels refreshing, freeing and liberating.


The future of Dani Taylor Birthwork

She’s avaliable for…

1:1 Calls - Limited times avaliable, for preconception musing, postpartum planning, birth fears dissolution, birth debriefs etc.

A monthly online Rewild Preconception Writing Circle

Closing Ceremonies ~ When called upon by woman in the community. Forever grateful to offer and be apart of this ceremony facilitation, after learning last year from ​Naolí Vinaver.

My blog - I’ll create 1-2 blogs a month to get free valuable, delicious juicy knowledge, stories and impactful content into the screens, eyes and hearts of the community. Email me if you’d like to write an article or be interviewed!

Word of mouth - Birth attendance ~ Minimal availability, 2024 only, refined offering coming soon <3

She’s closing down…

Abortion Care

Full spectrum Postpartum Care

Food packages

Birthkeeper Circles


I will be honouring and completing the contracts and agreements I’ve made with my current clients, then moving forward in these new exciting ways.

Thank you so much for being here and bearing witness to my journey. I appreciate all who read and interact with these blogs.


