benefits of the wild guided preconception check in practice…

Every month I facilitate an online guided writing practice. It’s a space for woman to get a structure and prompts, to support them in their self-led, sovereign preconception season. I guide woman using prompts to inspire clarity and lead them closer to themselves, and gain awareness specifically for preconception and conscious conception. I facilitate this space to nourish the yearning of maidens and mothers, and it makes my heart burst!

The benefits of being apart of this monthly are…

A safe place for your yearning to be with child, to be nurtured. In a anti-natalist society, pushing career first over motherhood, these circles are a place for your desire to mother to take up space and be centered.

A place to dream about motherhood.

A place to be really honest with yourself.

A place to hear reflections, and bare witness to other woman in their preconception season too.

Community, sisterhood, being in a space with other woman taking this season into their own hands and wombs.

A place to receive a practice you can take into your own life and return to again and again.

A place to learn about preconception care, fertility, cyclical living and conscious conception, have your questions answered.

A temple to meet your spirit babies and be led by them.

A space to meet your fears around motherhood, parenting, infertility, birthing etc.

The codes of preparation, planning, getting self-led clarity and attunement to the steps you desire to take before conceiving.

Untangling kinks around the suffering in your life presently you don’t wish to bring into motherhood, mothering 2+ etc.

Tap into conscious conception and preconception consciousness

It’s super financially accessible

As a mystical conception companion… I invite woman of all ages, in all circumstances. You don’t have to be actively trying to conceive, you don’t have to be partnered. Shatter the paradigms of what you thought preconception care was before. The preconception season is non-linear, and I see it like a sacred spiral. There will be seasons of closeness with your spirit babies and seasons where you feel worlds apart. There will be seasons of feeling miles ahead and miles behind all at the same time. There will be times floating in the void and times of being rooted like an old Maple tree. There will be fruitful summers and cold murky winters. There will be times to hustle and times to lay in the sun. There will be rupture and rapture. And it’s all bringing you deeper into your heart, and preparing you for the arrival of your baby.


Our spirit babies chose us, at certain times, with certain partners for a reason. Our spirit babies and our bodies are nature’s intelligence. Our ability or inability to conceive is our bodies intelligence.


